Friday, July 07, 2006

Modeling - The Things You Need To Know - At The Interview

A good agent can assess a model's marketability within a few seconds of an in person meeting.

Tips for Models at an interview:
1. You have to sell yourself
2. Wear clean, casual clothes, choosing fitted rather than loose garments
3. Use minimal make-up and keep hair clean and simply stated
4. Hands should be manicured
5. Bring paper and pen for notes
6. Be on time
7. Be patient if the agent is delayed
8. When meeting the agent, look into the agents eyes, smile, and it you wish, give a firm handshake
9. Wait for the agent to ask for pictures
10. Do not fidget

1 comment:

bfeather said...

hi im bailey. I live in arkansas and last time i tried to start a modeling career was about 4 years ago(I am 14 yrs. old now), but they told me that to pursue a career that i would need to move to a larger state/city, which i am not intrested in until i graduate highschool. do you think that i should wait until i graduate to pursue a career in the industry? Am i too young to even start in modeling?